Spellcheck your Markdown in Vim

A Quick Tutorial to Setting Up and Using Spell

Posted on Friday, June 12, 2015 by Charles Beynon

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Vim comes built-in with a spell-checker as powerful as graphical text editors like Sublime and Atom, but it isn’t enabled by default because it generally isn’t handy when writing source code. It can be handy though when writing documentation, blog posts, or other in markdown (or your favorite documentation syntax).


First to enable it automatically for all markdown files1, add the following to your ~/.vimrc configuration file:

autocmd Filetype mkd setlocal spell

This loads the default, all-regions English dictionary, which includes all regional variations (e.g. color, colour). You can use the spelllang option to pick a language/region, as shown here placed in an augroup with other Markdown-specific settings:

augroup Markdown
    autocmd Filetype mkd set shiftwidth=4
    autocmd Filetype mkd setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
augroup END

The language/region can also be specified separately, e.g. by set spelllang=en_gb. Multiple languages, delimited by commas, can be loaded. For example set spelllang=nl,de,en_ca will load Dutch, German, and Canadian English word lists. Spelling regions have the same format as system locales (but all lowercase), and Vim will offer to download spelling lists for you on demand.

Basic Usage


As you type, words that are not in one of the word lists from spelllang will be highlighted. From normal mode, you can navigate between spelling errors using the square brackets followed by lowercase/uppercase s. Once you have a word under the cursor you can manipulate misspelled words with z followed by a command like = for suggestions, g, to mark as Good, w to mark as Bad, and ug/uw to undo the previous. Details are given in the sidebar.


Spelling errors are highlighted in colors depending on the kind of spelling error. While the specific colours depend on your Vim and/or terminal’s color scheme, the included screenshot shows examples of: uncapitalized proper nouns, in purple; uncapitalized sentence-starters, in blue; region-specific misspellings, also in blue; and completely unknown words, in red. Also supported are rare words, but I’ve yet to come across any.

Ignoring Liquid Tags

Vim’s spell check automatically ignores any code in fenced code blocks (that is, backticks). It doesn’t not, however, ignore code in Liquid code blocks, or Liquid attributes themselves. Fixing this involves modifying the syntax definitions for Markdown, which will be discusses in an upcoming post.

  1. Technically, you can enable spell check for all files, but Markdown and text documents are about the only times it’s really useful. The syntax definitions for most programming languages turn off the spell checker everywhere but comments, including strings and HERE documents

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