Dependency Injection in Ruby

Posted on Saturday, April 29, 2017 by Charles Beynon

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Dependency injection is a technique to decrease and make more explicit the coupling between two classes by moving a dependency from deep within the dependent class to its initializer.

A Tightly Coupled Beginning

To begin with, let’s take a simple example of a tightly coupled pair of classes that aren’t using dependency injection. Throughout this post, we’ll be using the case of tracking the joy of a Person stroking a Cat.

class Person
  attr_reader :joy

  def initialize(cat_softness)
    @joy = 0
    @cat_softness = cat_softness

  def get_joy
    @joy +=

class Cat
  attr_reader :softness, :times_stroked

  def initialize(softness)
    @softness = softness
    @times_stroked = 0

  def stroke
    @times_stroked += 1
    if @times_stroked < 5
      -10 # Cat Scratch Fever

There are a few things to note here. First, the stroke method creates a new Cat object. Not only might this be inefficient if stroke is called many times and a Cat is expensive to create and destroy (they tend to bite when you try to destroy them), it creates a hard binding to a Cat specifically. In particular, we aren’t able to stroke any other objects, even if they implement the stroke method.

Second, the Person initializer takes arguments pertaining to the Cat. This should be a major smell, as these values make much more sense as part of a Cat initializer.

Extracting A Dependent Class

In order to remove this coupling, we change the Person initializer to accept a Cat object, instead of the parameters needed to create a new Cat. Then each method that was previously creating a Cat can instead simply used the @cat instance variable. We then inject the dependency in the call.

class Person
  attr_reader :joy

  def initialize(cat)
    @joy = 0
    @cat = cat

  def get_joy
    @joy += cat.stroke

class Cat
  # unchanged

garfield =

Notice now that the Cat exists independently of the Person. It is created outside, in the general runtime code, and will can persist even if the Person is destroyed. The cat, enjoying its independence, is happy.

We can also see why the technique is called “dependency injection”. We inject the dependency when the object is initialized, rather than build it into the object at design time.

Generalizing Using Dependency Injection

From here it is easy to generalize Person to use any type of pet1. For example, perhaps another pet owner has a Dog.

class Person
  attr_reader :joy

  def initialize(pet)
    @joy = 0
    @pet = pet

  def get_joy
    @joy += pet.stroke

class Cat
  # unchanged

class Dog
  attr_reader :softness

  def stroke

fido =

The Dog can have a completely different initialization signature from the Cat, along with a different implementation for stroke. All Person cares about is that it can be stroked, and that stroking returns something that makes sense to add to @joy.

When Not To Use It

In our example, the objects in question where basically independent constructs; a person and her pets—at least as an idea—exist mostly independently of each other, with only the occasional interaction. Sometimes, objects are tightly coupled to each other by their very nature, and there is little chance that we would need to make the dependency modular in the future.

For example, perhaps each Person has a Heart with properties that are tightly coupled to the properties of the Person'. The heart's @size may be directly calculated from the person's @weight`, for example. Note, in this example, we still aren’t passing the heart’s parameters into the person’s initializer, but rather calculating them from the person’s own instance variables.

This is one good smell test that can identify whether dependency injection should be avoided. In the real world, it is commonly seen when using utility and factory type classes.

  1. Indeed, Person doesn’t need to be changed at all, although renaming the @cat instance variable to @pet would make the code more readable. 

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